I called our case manager yesterday and she said she had re-submitted the homestudy with the corrections two weeks ago(which we knew) but hasn't heard anything back from her supervisor. She did bring up that DH's first aid/cpr will expire soon(July). He is a law enforcement officer so he has to have it for his job and will be recertified. She said she has no idea when the homestudy will be signed off on but will let me know. Our last homestudy meeting was two months ago and we were just hoping that we'd be licensed for foster to adopt by now. It didn't sound like she was very happy with me for calling. UGH!
Re: Still waiting for our homestudy to be signed off on
Her job is to keep you in the loop. If she doesn't like that you let two weeks go by before you called her to check up (which is what I read from that) then she might have to find another line of work. Because I would be calling every three to four days if it were me waiting.
I'm sending you patience dust.
Good luck!