Austin Babies

Reflux mamas, come in!

Did your DC still have reflux symptoms a week after being on the meds? The reason I ask is that Will was doing great with the Prevacid until last night. He was still spitting up, but he didn't screech in pain and contort his body. We gave him the medicine like normal last night and it was like we were back to the start.

He was up all night crying and he wanted to comfort nurse...but he'd start grunting, groaning, arching his back, then he'd pull off and wail. There was also evidence of lots of projectile vomit like spit up in the bassinet.

I'm not sure if it was just a one night thing or if I should call the pedi and get him on a different medication. I definitely do not want to repeat last nights events though - it's exhausting for me and for him!

Also, did any of you try eliminating foods from your diet? A friend sent me a link on reflux and it said dairy is a common irritant for kids with reflux and often eliminating from the mom's diet would cure the infant's reflux. 

Re: Reflux mamas, come in!

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    He got the meds at around 6:00, ate at 6:30 and 8:30 and then the spitting up started around I don't think he could've spit them up, but who knows. He could've had gas, I guess, but it was the same reaction he'd had to the reflux earlier, so I just figured it was the reflux bothering him and didn't even thing to try Mylicon.

    He's on 1 solutab once a day. I'll call the pedi and see if maybe we could break that into two doses.

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    My daughter was on Prevacid (amoung other reflux meds) when she was little so forgive me if I'm getting this wrong but I *think* Prevacid is the one that just neutralizes the acid.  So your baby will still spit up but it shouldn't be painful any longer.  Again, I'm going by (my really crappy) memory here but I think it was about 10 days before we saw a marked improvement.  Our ped suggested a small dose - I can't remember what it was - of Cherry Supreme Mylanta in the interim to help make her more comfortable.  The Cherry Supreme variety doesn't have aluminum in it like regular Mylanta.  Maybe give the nurse a call to see what she says?

    I don't envy you - reflux was so hard to deal with as a mother.  Diet didn't make any difference for us, just time. 

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    dd didn't have reflux but a close friends ds did. i know she said his medicine dosage was based on weight and whenever he gained weight they'd need to reevaulate how much to give him and in the meantime his feedings were back like they weren't giving him any meds.
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    we were not on medication for reflux but all kiddos have some form of it in the early months.

     We just popped a pillow under once side of the matress and used gripe water---worked like a charm.  the elevation helps keep all the acid down in their tummy.

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    I took my DD in to a chiropractor to treat her for reflux and colic and the results were amazing! After her first appt, we could see a difference THAT night. She only goes in monthly now, but it worked much better than any of the meds did, and faster. I wished I had known about this when I had my son. He was on reflux meds until 8mo old. Here's who I go see...

     And it's not what you think! He doesn't do any adjustments on her back like he would do w/you or I. He uses a small tool the size of a large Sharpe marker and lightly taps on specific pressure points up and down the spine and on the stomach too. DD usually slept through most of her appts when she was real little. I started taking her there when she was just a few wks old.

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