
BF ? - sensitivity to diet?

I am determined to get to the bottom of why my sweet DD can be a crying, fussy monster some days. Does anyone know how long it takes for something you ate to enter your breastmilk (for example dairy or the taste of something else you ate)?? I am trying to figure out if she has a sensitivity to dairy or something else I am eating but I am not sure how I can figure that out if I don't know how long after I eat something it gets to her. Does that make sense? Also, if your LO has a dairy allergy did they arch their back when eating/after eating? I'm half convinced that DD has a sensitivity or reflux because she can be sooooooooooooo miserable but she doesn't ever arch. She cries inconsolably out of no where like she is in pain and she has been fussing at the breast the last few days (not at every feeding - just some). She acts like she is in pain sometimes when I burp her - getting stiff, straight legs. She very well could just be having regular old gas pain and be a high maintenance diva but if it's something more I want to help her! Thanks!
Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11

Re: BF ? - sensitivity to diet?

  • I don't know but I just wanted to say my one DD's name is Erin, too! You don't hear or see it too often these days but I LOVE it. Good luck with your DD--it does kind of sound like reflux. Have you mentioned it to her doctor?

  • REOMREOM member

    Beautiful pics!

    Dairy and soy protein cross into BM ad remains for 2 weeks. They say everything else is just a wives tale and doesn't cross into BM,

    Sounds like redlux. Ask your pedi, Zantac really helped my older DD.

    God luck!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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  • My second DD had a sensitivity to dairy.  It took about 3-4 weeks to really notice a difference.  It takes 2 weeks to leave your system, and then another week or more to leave theirs.  Not sure about reflux because neither of my kids had/have it.
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