
s/o: How long is your average visit to the pedi?

A well visit for us, from start to finish, takes about 90 minutes every single time.  Lots of waiting, taking us in to the room late, then more waiting, then waiting 15 more minutes for shots.

Typical sick visit is about an hour.  Same deal.

The doctors are great, and I've come to know when to schedule things (like during the 1:00 nap time for most toddlers--there's no one there then).  But I wonder if this is the deal everywhere.  Or do you get in and out within a half hour?  (If anyone says yes to this, I'll be super jealous!)


Re: s/o: How long is your average visit to the pedi?

  • 1/2 hour on avg. 
  • Usually about an hour. I try to schedule first thing in the AM, but sometimes if we're the very first patient, we're stuck waiting for the doc to get there after rounding on his hospital patients.
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  • about an hour. I go to a very small office and most of that time is b/c the exams are very thorough and the doctor and I chat.
  • We're about the same as you, sometimes a sick visit won't be as long. Luckily I love our ped. otherwise I'd look somewhere else.
  • Usually an hour.
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  • All in all I'd say we're usually there for 1-1.5 hours. We do always end up waiting on the doctor, but once she gets to us she'll give us her devoted attention for as long as it takes. She's often with us for 20-30 minutes.
  • Well visits we usually wait about 10 -15 minutes in the exam room and are usually taken right on time from the waiting room.

    Sick visits - I can get in the same day, but we will wait. Sometimes and half hour and 1 time we waited an hour and a half. I have learned to take the portable dvd player.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • We have the long waits, too. But what really irks me is when they have you strip your baby to their diaper and then make you wait another 20-30 minutes before the dr. shows up. Mine does this all the time.
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  • 20-30 min.  I LOVE my pedi.  He gets you in within 5 minutes.  And he's funny. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • lucky -- the nurses asks me to do that and I'll do it for the weigh in and then redress him!
  • Like an hour and a half. It's RIDICULOUS. I'm ready to switch pedi's actually.
  • In the past, when I was an idiot and scheduled them for the same time, it would be 90 minutes. 

    Now, it's under an hour.

    I've never had a long wait.  I don't consider 15-20mns long to wait.  Half an hour for the visit.

    They are great with scheduling at the office.  They never double book.  They give ample time for visits instead of trying to cram in patients.  They also leave an hour open for each doctor for emergency visits, so those visit don't cause back ups. 

    I did have a loooong wait down at the lab one day though.  

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