
A year ago today...

at this time I had just gotten home from my embryo transfer and was on bedrest.  Crazy to think the two little embies they put in me are now my beautiful babies!  What a difference a year makes!

Re: A year ago today...

  • Wow, yeah! Congratulations on your "anniversary"! :)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Did you get pictures of your embies? I have a picture of these 2 little mass of cells from the day of my embryo transfer. I look at them now and it literally blows my mind that those turned into the kids I have now. Crazy!
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  • that is amazing!!!!  and that you "knew" them when they were just little embies - it's just so facinating!
  • imageJessarella:
    Did you get pictures of your embies? I have a picture of these 2 little mass of cells from the day of my embryo transfer. I look at them now and it literally blows my mind that those turned into the kids I have now. Crazy!

    Yep!  The funny thing is it was raining when they were wheeling me to the car after the transfer and a drop of rain got on the picture.  The drop of rain made a pink spot on the larger of the two embies so we always jokes that was our girl.  The funny thing is Aubrey auctually did end up being the larger baby (at birth).

  • awww, that is wonderful. and your babies are so beautiful!!!!
    ~Liz~ "With your very first breath, you instantly took ours away..." Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers image
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