
Pin and anyone else who cares to hear a funny dd story

I just remembered. Yesterday before I left my mom's I was sewing the lining to the bag I'm making. A was standing on her stool next to me watching and started dancing and singing, "go mommy, go mommy." It cracked me up. You would have thought I was doing something truly exceptional.

Re: Pin and anyone else who cares to hear a funny dd story

  • Hey sewing can be exciting!?!?!?
  • Esp. when I can manage some somewhat straight lines or not to make myself bleed profusely from pin sticks. Ow. I'm still working on that damn crocheted bag. I'll finish one day soon.

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  • I was sewing the other day and S crawled up next to me and we had this conversation...

    me: I thought you were playing with your dollhouse.

    her: I thought I was helping you sew.

    ?Aren't they funny? ;-)

  • Dude, it IS exciting.  You're attempting to line something.  A skill which I simply can NOT freaking master to save my life.  May the lining gods be with you at this difficult time.  *hugs*
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