Indulge me on this, parenting experts!
We have pretty much no relationship at all with my MIL, which on a daily and weekly basis is pretty much okay with me. And my husband. But she will find ridiculous excuses to call him sometimes....last month, she called to "remind" him it was his brother's birthday and to make sure DH called BIL.
Today is my little guy's birthday, and she has ignored/forgotten it for the past three years. I'm sure it will be the same this year. But some little tiny part of me always feels snarky and wishes I could call her and remind her that her grandson's special day is today.
GRRRR. Vent over. On to cake picking up and finishing cleaning the house!
Re: I have a petty vent....
It's not petty and is pretty hurtful that she does that. I will never understand how people can do that,esp to kids. My friends MIL doesn't even call her own son on his b-day let alone get him a gift.
My kid will be 30 and I'll be making a big deal out of a b-day. It's one day year that everyone can focus on you...everyone deserves that.
My best advice to you is to try not to let it get to you, enjoy the b-day with your little guy, and when she calls to remind you about someone else's b-day in the future, I would say "Well, since you ignore birthdays, we figure we will too."
And let it go. She's the one missing out on your little guy. Her loss.
Have fun!