I have noticed the last few weeks that if I sit too long that I get really dizzy. Has this happened to anyone in the weeks before giving birth? My BP on Monday was 118/70 and has been that or lower the whole pregnancy. ?I just had a crazy dizzy spell this morning.?
Melissa ?
Re: Dizzy?
Yeah, I was pretty dizzy my whole pregnancy. First from crazy low blood pressure (like 90/60) then to high blood pressure and anemia.
Drink a TON of water today, and it's probably a good idea to call your doc about it, just to be extra safe.
i've had random dizzy spells as well in the past few weeks (no fun!). i talked with my OB who said that it probably has to do with the uterus putting pressure on the vena cava -- he said that the uterus (which is now huge, as we know!) tends to deviate to the right side, which adds pressure on that blood vessel and can result in a decrease in blood to your brain/dizziness. leaning back a bit, hunching over, etc. while sitting down (and of course laying on your back) makes it worse.
he said that laying on your left side, leaning over the couch, any position that helps you take the pressure off of the vena cava may help...that and staying hydrated.