
My crotch is KILLING me - any fixes??

other than giving birth? lol

OMG- it hurts to walk across the room - everything down there is so swollen and achy today. It has been for a few weeks- but today is so much worse.

Thankfully the onlyl place i have to go today is the OB!  I don't know if I could handle walking around a store for even 5 minutes.

Has anyone ever found anything that helps relieve this pain?

Re: My crotch is KILLING me - any fixes??

  • I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry!  And the title of your post really cracked me up for some reason.  Your post reminded me of Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs book, the chapter on Twinkies LOL  Good luck
  • my last 2 weeks I was taking tylenol like it was candy. I have heard of women using ice pack and cool compresses down there.

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  • imagesfitz0711:
    I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry!  And the title of your post really cracked me up for some reason.  Your post reminded me of Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs book, the chapter on Twinkies LOL  Good luck

    oh yeah- I have got blue or purple twinkies for sure- I'm just to scared to look down there :) 

    I think it's time for tylenol!

    I'm going to save the ice packs for last resort- i don't imagine that being much fun either... and it will remind me of the ice packs after my 4th degree tear after birthing my DS - something I don't want to remember!

  • Mine has been terribly painful for weeks but, last night, I was playing around with my son and did something that caused immediate and severe pain.  I couldnt walk anywhere last night (limped ridiculously slowly to the bathroom - to the point where I didnt think I was going to make it one of the times).  I used an ice pack a couple of nights ago and it helped a tiny bit.  I took tylenol last night and it didnt do anything for me.  Sorry!  I know it stinks. 
  • Oh, that is the worst. I did Tylenol, ice packs and since I was pregnant in the summer last year, I went in my neighbors pool a few times a day. The cool water helped. 
  • I hate to break it to you but I still feel some pain now and then after giving birth.  The first two months I would try to go on a walk (like 1/2 mile or maybe a mile) and I was in agony and walking SO slow about half way because it hurt so bad. 

    Now I hurt if I walk too fast and sometimes when I'm laying down in bed but I if I change positions it usually helps.

    I hope yours is gone right after birth -- but just in case it's not I thought I'd warn you.  During pg I never really found anything that helped me other than not sitting -- I spent many days leaning back on the couch/lying on the couch and that seemed to help.

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  • imageRobynK:

    I hate to break it to you but I still feel some pain now and then after giving birth.  The first two months I would try to go on a walk (like 1/2 mile or maybe a mile) and I was in agony and walking SO slow about half way because it hurt so bad. 

    Now I hurt if I walk too fast and sometimes when I'm laying down in bed but I if I change positions it usually helps.

    I hope yours is gone right after birth -- but just in case it's not I thought I'd warn you.  During pg I never really found anything that helped me other than not sitting -- I spent many days leaning back on the couch/lying on the couch and that seemed to help.

    did you deliver vag or c/s?

    I had a 4th degree tear with my son - so I know all too well about crotch pain for weeks after giving birth... I was in pain for a good 8weeks+. It was horrible- and the reason why I am getting a c/s this time!

  • Seriously, try to forget the flashbacks and use an ice pack, it dramatically reduces swelling. You will feel much better. Now you are giving me flashbacks of the purple twinkies. Horrible!
  • Mine was c/s
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  • Tongue Tied  Sorry about that Goldie.  Hope you feel better.
  • I actually didn't find anything that helped with it for me. However, I wish you the best of luck! :-)
  • I was advised to get on my hands and knees and stick my tush up in the air. my dh read this entry and got ideas.....


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