other than giving birth? lol
OMG- it hurts to walk across the room - everything down there is so swollen and achy today. It has been for a few weeks- but today is so much worse.
Thankfully the onlyl place i have to go today is the OB! I don't know if I could handle walking around a store for even 5 minutes.
Has anyone ever found anything that helps relieve this pain?
Re: My crotch is KILLING me - any fixes??
my last 2 weeks I was taking tylenol like it was candy. I have heard of women using ice pack and cool compresses down there.
oh yeah- I have got blue or purple twinkies for sure- I'm just to scared to look down there
I think it's time for tylenol!
I'm going to save the ice packs for last resort- i don't imagine that being much fun either... and it will remind me of the ice packs after my 4th degree tear after birthing my DS - something I don't want to remember!
I hate to break it to you but I still feel some pain now and then after giving birth. The first two months I would try to go on a walk (like 1/2 mile or maybe a mile) and I was in agony and walking SO slow about half way because it hurt so bad.
Now I hurt if I walk too fast and sometimes when I'm laying down in bed but I if I change positions it usually helps.
I hope yours is gone right after birth -- but just in case it's not I thought I'd warn you. During pg I never really found anything that helped me other than not sitting -- I spent many days leaning back on the couch/lying on the couch and that seemed to help.
did you deliver vag or c/s?
I had a 4th degree tear with my son - so I know all too well about crotch pain for weeks after giving birth... I was in pain for a good 8weeks+. It was horrible- and the reason why I am getting a c/s this time!
I was advised to get on my hands and knees and stick my tush up in the air. my dh read this entry and got ideas.....