**Welcome to the September Sirens (Formerly known as Sweet-Peas) daily check-in! This is a group for women who are due in September 2009. To be added to the list, please reply to this post in this exact format
EDD Screen Name (First name, Age)
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**Let us know if you original due date has changed, if you want it updated on the list, reference your original due date so that finding you is easier!
** Please be patient and your name will be added. I am trying my very best to keep up with this! Just send me a friendly PM and I will get you on! I only update once a week on Wednesdays.
**As you find out what the sex of your baby is, please post it! We will keep track of the number of boys, girls, and surprises! Please let us know if you are having multiples. We will keep track of that as well.
** Please post any requests for additions or deletions to your listed information in the daily check in or in a PM. I can not search all posts for these requests. If it isn?t in the main post or in a PM, it will not be seen!
*~*Thanks?Em *~*
Please let us know how things are going. Any appointments soon?
What has been your biggest food aversion so far?
Re: *~*Sept Siren Hump Day Check In*~*
What has been your biggest food aversion so far?
Freshly cooked chicken from home or from a restaurant. YUCK! I cannot even stand the sight (much less taste) of my once beloved Chicken Marsala from Carrabbas. I've even gotten so bad that a Moe's I end up picking the chicken out of my burrito.
Now, chicken nuggets are a WHOLE different story. I can't get enough.
My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09
My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11
What has been your biggest food aversion so far?
So far I've had to throw out a salad cuz the creamy dressing disgusted me, and a curry couscous thing I used to love. That, and large pieces of meat, expecially chicken. I can eat it cut up in things, but not as a large piece. I had steak tips last night and even that was a stretch.
QOTD: I haven't really had too many aversions...probably green bean casserole or broccoli. I can't handle the stringyness of the green beans or broccoli. It's a texture thing more than an actual aversion.
Update: I was supposed to be part of Team Green, but I caved at our ultrasound yesterday and DH and I found out we are expecting another GIRL! We are super excited
It's a Girl!!!
Biggest food adversion has been Broccoli. I used to love it and now I can't stomach it.
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In the beginning I couldn't stand eggs but that has gone away and now I sometimes crave them.
Big u/s today at 2pm!
QOTD: chicken. i can eat it at times- but when i can't, i can't.
UPDATE: we're having a girl
look at the birds | bless this food
Sweets. I used to be a choco-holic but during first tri it put a gross taste in my mouth. I'm now able to eat sweets but I don't like them as much as I did pre-pregnancy.
And an update: We just found out yesterday that we're having a boy!
Onions, ugh the smell of burger king is the biggest turn off also.
What has been your biggest food aversion so far?
Luckily I have missed out on this again so far. All the foods sound yummy to me
This! And I can eat chicken if it is cut up in small pieces in a salad or something like that. But the thought of a chicken breast makes me want to vomit!
I don't really have certain aversions but there are times when I'll be eating something and all the sudden I'm just disgusted by it and can't take another bite.?
I made scrambled eggs for my husbands bday this morning and then suddenly the thought of taking a bite of them made me sick.?
Anything Mexican..bleh
Update: I'm having a boy!
In first tri my aversion was chicken and sometimes pork. I felt like I would NEVER be able to eat chicken again but the disgust went away in a few months and now I can eat anything without gagging.
Eggs...Just the thought of them running around in the pan is enough to make me vomit! Ewwww!
But I do love McDonalds double cheesburgers...They are my weakness!
Happy Hump Day!
QOTD: So far, the only aversion I had was to red sauce during the first tri. DH and the kids were making homemade pizza for dinner one night, and the smell of the sauce cooking sent me running for the bathroom. I spent about 20 minutes laying on the floor willing myself not to throw up!
*PGAL/PAL Welcome*
My Ovulation Chart
QOTD: what food aversions do you have?
in the first trimester my food aversion was.... food. everything made me nauseous!! now i'm doing much better, i've got a wider variety of foods that i enjoy, just gotta watch out for what triggers heartburn now!
Make a pregnancy ticker
I vomit in my mouth if I smell ground beef cooking. My husband was making tacos for lunch and I had to sit outside for a good hour.
Fast food and Chinese food smells horrible to me.
And the texture of cottage cheese literally made me throw up.
Red meat and Mexican food...it's getting better now but in first tri. it was horrible.
Update: We found out Friday that we're having a GIRL!
QOTD: ground beef on white rice- yuck. my roommate made it for me one day and just looking at it made me sick. i don't think it would look good even if i wasn't pregnant.
UPDATE: My big u/s is next tuesday the 5th! hopefully I'll be able to find out the sex.?
me too! 8 out of 10 times I HATE chicken and I used to eat it 5 nights a week! Tofu has been my replacement