I have been working a swing shift for over a year now (2pm-10pm) for a biotech company, in QA, doing formulated drug release. I have been with the company for almost 5 years and plan on staying here... I get mornings with the boys, take Owen back and forth to school and am able to do alot during the day before work. We have a Nanny who comes for 20 hours a week who the boys (and MH and I) adore.
I was approached yesterday to think about changing my shift (which I chalk it up to not having a manager for over 6 months and they need someone in a leadership role: me) Here are my options...
1. Stay where I am and work an earlier shift- same money, and will have to pay our Nanny about $100 a week more.
2. Move to a new facility- same company same quality group. Work 4 10 hour days Sunday-wednesday) maybe slightly more $$ but will have to pay our about 150 more a week.
3. Assume a supervisor role M-F from 2-10pm and make about 20k more than I am now. I will have 4-5 direct reports who I will personally hire.
Re: WWYD? Work Schedule...
#3 seems like a no brainer.
Your schedule doesn't change, you get more money, and after 5 years you are probably due for more responsibility at work. It's probably better job security, too, because you will get a reputation for stepping up to the plate when the work needed to be done.
Sounds like a win-win situation.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I'd go for #3.
There will likely be times when you will need to work outside your 2 - 10 shift. With the extra money, you'll be able to pay your nanny for the extra time you need her and you'll still have more $$.
Go for it!!!
thats hard, #3 sounds great for now but what about when the boys get older and in to sports or after school fun times? really thats something you need to really weigh the pros and cons on, ask where do you see yourself in 5yrs? 10yrs? the #2 sound good too-b/c 3 days off but work every sunday??? that is hard, believe me. how long do you plan on working?
I am just thinking of what you would miss--does your family do alot on sundays?(mine does) how flexable is you co? will they let you change shifts in say 3 yrs? or are you stuck for long periods of time?
#3 sounds good while kids are little; once school starts, it could be a lot harder, although if your nanny is good, that would work out.
What does your DH do, and could he pick up the after-school activities?