and then I look up at him and see this:
because of this:
He hears not a word of what I say. I told him how about this is his last game so I have someone to talk to, lol.
My best friend, my husband, my everything
Matthew Kevin

Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
Re: I try to have a conversation with DH...
My DH used to play World of Warcraft obsessivly so I completely understand where you are coming from. Thank god that's over.
This exactly. I feel your pain.
If you have ever had to deal with this game, my DEEPEST sympathy goes out to you.
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
Lol. I can relate to this exactly though I used to play also so I can't really nag him. A friend of mine suggested we get a maternity shirt that said "Yeah, my husband got off WoW long enough to knock me up."
Mine still plays. I told him the other day that I was going to block the WoW ports from our router so he could not log on at all if things didn't change. We will see if that happens.
OP, at least your guy can turn it off after his game is done. With World of Warcraft, it keeps going, and going, and going... it never ends.
So do you have a puppy? Or Netflix?
If you have Netflix, just return the game to them instead of a movie. That will give you some time, they send it back - but it's sure a nice few days. When he asks why you did it - just say you were so tired from being pregnant that you weren't seeing straight and didn't mean to. It works, been there.
After the Neflix "incedent" his playstation had to be mailed in to get fixed since the lazer quit working, but then he got it back and wouldn't do hardly ANY THING but play, so when we went to the neightbors for a bbq I "forgot" to pick up the remotes for the unit. And the puppy ate them. Both of them. Whoops.
It may seem mean of me. But really - I've been through Call of Duty, All of the Halos, Battlefeild 4290 or something like that, and a million other war stratagy games. I just came up with my own war stratagy is all.
Baking Blog
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
When did he finally get over it? My DH still plays WOW obsessively and I want it to stop. Not to mention the $15 a month charge to our account each month. (I know $15 is not a big deal, but we're having financial issues due to our renter not paying on time- we have to work through eviction details and lawyer fees, in the meantime need to cut back a little)