Baby Names

If you know the sex...

Are you coming to the hospital with a backup "what if the u/s was wrong" name?
Rylee - 3.28.08
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD

Re: If you know the sex...

  • kiki4kiki4 member
    Nope, I have no doubt we are having a boy, as my LO has been very good at showing off his boy parts!  Now, if they told me we were having a girl, I'd probably have boy name just in case, as I've had 2 friends that went to the hospital expecting a girl and left with a boy.
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  • No.  I feel very confident that the sex is right considering I've had a couple of ultrasounds now and different docs have told me the same thing. 
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  • I would have a backup, just in case.  I mean, why not?  If the docs were right about the sex, forget the backup name and move on.  But it would really suck to sit there in the hospital and come up with a name you didn't expect to need.
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  • Ack! We can't even come up with one name!
  • that's a good plan, my sister and i were both supposed to be boys.
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  • We had a 4-d u/s so we saw the goods and are pretty sure it's a girl, so no.  If we hadn't had the extra u/s, I'd be more inclined to find a boy name, too.
  • we didnt. ?we had 2 u/s and were pretty positive based on u/s pics that she was a girl!

  • Hmm. Well, we had a girl named picked before we knew it was a boy. I guess we'd use that. We've been told twice that it was a boy so I feel pretty confident. With #1, though, we were told twice as well and the first thing DH said when he was born was, "There IS a penis, right?" LOL
  • lol I guess I have a fav girls name and boys so yeah lol
  • LMS05LMS05 member
    I've always thought about this (how awful would that have your shower and the nursery is all set up!), but we aren't finding out the sex so we will be prepared.?
  • no...good question though! The u/s tech showed us her labia....I'm hoping that seals the deal on being a girl! :)
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  • Yes, we have a backup name. But we had a 4-D ultrasound so we're pretty sure the baby is a girl.
  • I've got the chromosomes so I KNOW it's a girl. No back up for us.
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