OK, I think I get 20 points and then I have 35 flex points/week.
How do you normally divide them up? Can you give me an example of what you eat for a day?
(so looking forward to having a carbohydrate tomorrow - south beach diet is driving me crazy!)
Re: Any WW girls on?
I usually have a 2 egg white, high fiber english muffin with lowfat cheese (2.5 points).
A low point lunch (pasta and chicken) or a sandwich.
A Lean Cuisine thrown in at some point.
For dessert, I have 1 point worth of Breyers fat free ice cream. I don't use my flex points unless it's a special occassion (and hungry isn't a special occassion).
Me with my littlest.
I never use my flex points... but I get lots of points b/c of nursing....
if I had 20 pts I would break it up like this
Should I have more?
LOL, yes!! While nursing DD, I had a constant craving for oreo cookie milkshakes. Trying to resist this time. Good luck!!
I only get 20 too, and here is what I typically do.
Breakfast - WW english muffin w/low fat cheese & egg sub. (3 pts)
Sometimes a glass of milk (which adds 2) or water
I don't eat a morning snack, cause I have 2 cups of coffee, with splenda & sugar free french vanilla creamer...and all that is 0 pts. That helps keep me full until lunch.
Lunch I try to keep around 3-5 pts, tuna sand. (on nature's own wheat light, 1 pt for 2 slices), or other low pt items.
For snack I will usually have a 100 calorie pack ritz mix or something, all the 100 cal pack things are 2 pts. Or I'll have carrots w/fat free ranch (1 pt)
Dinner all depends on points I have left. Here are a few things I can think of off the top of my head I eat a lot of
Zuccini - 0pts & I flavor with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray (0) & soy sauce (0)
Fat free hot dogs - 1 pt each
Hot dog & ham buns, Sara Lee wheat light - 1pt per bun
Salad with tomatoes & sometimes fat free shred cheese (1) and fat free ranch (1)
Do you have a point calc or slider? That has helped me a lot, especially at finding things that aren't WW brand, but still low points.
Also, here is a website that is kinda cool, with recipes & stuff.