Given the guarantee we have elected to participate in the new egg freezing study that was offered to us. We are very excited that it will reduce the cost from $18,000 to $6,000 for an IVF cycle, for which we were lucky to have already saved.
We are in the process of scheduling a Psyc consult and have already received a donnor profile. The donnor has already cycled and they currently have 8 eggs, which my RE has agreed to give us. She was used for the first couple in the study who is now Pg with a singleton. If everything moves forward we should be able to transfer on my next cycle (2 weeks).
The donnor we are currently looking at has the same eye and hair color as me and her family history seems to be a mix of both DH and me. She is taller which I think is a good thing...since if I am lucky I am 5'2. I am pretty sure we are going to move forward with her rather than look at a new donnor who would have to cycle and do egg retrival.
Things are moving fast, but for some reason I feel really confident that this is the right way to move forward.
Re: DE Process Update
How exciting! I that's great news. IT sounds like everything is falling into place and that just means it is meant to be.
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