
F/U on the nanny situation for moms 2+

i was stressing myself out so much, especially cuz i had sort of left it that she would keep working (because everyone was telling me to) so i had a conversation with her via text message.


i told her that we would still pay her so that she didn't feel shafted, but she said that she would be okay being flexible and playing it by ear. i told her that i was stressed about not getting enough quality time with both of my kids versus having some help so i could focus on each individually also. so i might plan on having her take a day a week off, or just work half days or something like that.


oh, i didnt mention in my other post but i also have as much help as i want on other days because my parents live in town. we are also close with our neighbors whose kids DD plays with and they've offered that we can always drop DD off there if we want.


i'm hoping it works out as the best of both worlds to give me a little more freedom to focus on each of my girls individually and also have plenty of family-only time. my nanny sounded completely understanding and she knows i have some working-mommy-guilt so hopefully she doesnt think i'm a complete lunatic for overthinking and sort of going back and forth on my wishes.

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