:::::to help pass this boring day:::::
Let's pretend we are all pg.....(or if you are already lucky enough to have a little peanut growing)...
If you could choose the gender of your next baby.....(of course we all already agree that a healthy baby is what really matters...)
1. Would it be the opposite of what you have now? the same?
2. Do you have a name picked out?
3. Did you have a preference the first time (even if just a teeny bit....)?
4. Did you have a gut feeling about the sex, and was it right?
5. What are your fav baby names for boys and girls?
6. When (staying positive here) we all actually get pg, will you you find out ahead of time what you are having or do the "surprise" thing?
Re: For Fun....pick your baby's gender
1. I would choose the opposite. DH would love to have a son. Though, i do love little girls....
2. Michael Charles. DH wants a common boys name and it was the only one we could agree on. Charles was my grandfathers name.
3. Yes, a teeny one. I always wanted a daughter. I have a great relationship with my mom, and i wanted to have someone to share that with.
4. I definitely had a gut feeling that was right. DH said i just landed on the 50% of the "right" coin
5. My favorite boys names are Grant and Cole. Girls are Julianna and Paige.
6. I was torn after the first one was a "surprise". I am an obsessive planner, and that really took some will power. However, a friend of mine just had a surprise baby and it was so much fun waiting on the phone call...so i think i will hold out again:)
1. Not sure, I'd love a sister for DD, but I know DH would like a son, and I would like a son too.. so either way would be great.
2. Do you have a name picked out? for boy yes, no girl name
3. Did you have a preference the first time (even if just a teeny bit....)? I thought I wanted a boy
4. Did you have a gut feeling about the sex, and was it right? Yes, I thought it was a girl and I was right!
5. What are your fav baby names for boys and girls? Joshua/ Isabelle,Grace
6. When (staying positive here) we all actually get pg, will you you find out ahead of time what you are having or do the "surprise" thing? No surprises here, definitely would want to know!
1. Would it be the opposite of what you have now? the same? We have a gender guess out there: boy/girl. That would just be the perfect combo if that is what we get!!!
2. Do you have a name picked out? Rachel and Callum. Back ups are Daphne, Barrett, Tabitha and Lachlan
3. Did you have a preference the first time (even if just a teeny bit....)? Boy
4. Did you have a gut feeling about the sex, and was it right? Boy and I was right
5. What are your fav baby names for boys and girls? Names I love but I would never use are b/c of our last name, family, or popularity are Bennett, Elizabeth, Eliza, Rhys, Adelyn, Camden, and Georgiana
6. When (staying positive here) we all actually get pg, will you you find out ahead of time what you are having or do the "surprise" thing? I HAVE to know... I am an obsessed planner.
1. Would it be the opposite of what you have now? the same? Having two boys already, I would really love to have a girl.
2. Do you have a name picked out? No - I'd like Joanna Kathryn, but DH is not on board :-(
3. Did you have a preference the first time (even if just a teeny bit....)? Not really - maybe tiny preference for a little boy. I kept picturing a little guy in a wetsuit learning to surf with DH and that's what kept me going through IVF.
4. Did you have a gut feeling about the sex, and was it right? I was thinking we'd get one of each - I was 1/2 right!
5. What are your fav baby names for boys and girls? Susan, Virginia, Sophie, Daniel, Patrick, Adam
6. When (staying positive here) we all actually get pg, will you you find out ahead of time what you are having or do the "surprise" thing? I always thought I'd want to be surprised - but with the twins we found out for planning, and because with monthly monitoring u/s we figured we'd find out anyway. This time I'd like to say I'll keep it a surprise - but I'll probably want to know!
1. Would it be the opposite of what you have now? the same? DH and I would both love a girl next time so we have one of each but another boy would be fabulous as well.
2. Do you have a name picked out? Girl - Catherine Ainsley No boy name
3. Did you have a preference the first time (even if just a teeny bit....)? No real preference. My mom thought DS was a girl from the get go so I was kind of getting used to the idea when they told us he was a boy.
4. Did you have a gut feeling about the sex, and was it right? I thought he was a boy and I was right!
5. What are your fav baby names for boys and girls? Boys - James, Liam, David Girl - Catherine, Annabelle, Emma
6. When (staying positive here) we all actually get pg, will you you find out ahead of time what you are having or do the "surprise" thing? We found out with DS. I couldn't wait that long! Considering we probably won't even attempt a third, I would like to have had that ultimate surprise but honestly, I don't know that I could hold out.