Do you take them to a regular dentist or a pediatric dentist? AND since we are talking about teeth....when do you switch from the training toothpaste to the floride toothpaste?
Our pedi told us to take her to the dentist at 3yo. I think you can switch to regular toothpaste whenever your child can spit it out. I know that R is no where near that point yet, though.
When DD was almost 1, they were running these commercials about how you should take them before 1, soooo I did. I keep meaning to take her again, but I keep forgetting... I think you're supposed to take them every 6 months, though? Not 100% sure. I don't even use training toothpaste. I just use tap water, b/c the dentist said there is enough flouride in it for baby's little teeth. But I've heard you shouldn't switch to flouride toothpaste until they really understand to spit it out.
My pediatrician said 2.5 for the first dentist visit (unless there are issues, of course) and to switch to regular toothpaste at 2, but just use a pea-size amount since they're probably going to swallow it at this age. I plan on taking DD to a pediatric dentist.
Our pedi told us to take him at his 2 year check up and gave us a list of pedi dentists he recommended. I can't even fathom taking him right now. He freaks out with his own pedi or when someone he doesn't know gets to close I can't imagine him tolerating letting a dentist look in his mouth.
I did just switch him to floride last month. I just use a tiny amount on his toothbrush.
I took DD to my appointments when she was 12 & 18 months.. The dentist did a quick check of her mouth, just to make sure everthing looked good. I'm good about going every 6 months for a cleaning, so the dentist always did a "pro bono" check of DD's mouth.
She went back with me at 2 years old. That time it was for her own appoinment but it only lasted 10 minutes--the dentist checked her mouth with instruments this time (the mirrors). He let her ride up & down in the chair and talked to her about brushing her teeth every day. There was no charge for that visit since insurance wouldn't cover it--it was sort of like an orientation. DD had her first "real" appointment for a teeth cleening at 2.5 years.
You can switch to adult toothpaste as soon as your DC understands that s/he needs to rinse and spit, not swallow. (and does it consistantly)
I think the recommendation is to go as soon as they have teeth. However, our family dentist said as long as there are no problems, the first real appointment should be at 3. I took her in when she was 2.5 to one of my appointments so she could meet the dentist and see the place. She showed the dentist her teeth that time. At 3 she had her first cleaning.
She still won't spit her toothpaste so we still use training toothpaste.
I was told that the first visit should be around 2. DD is going May 13, and she's 21/2. We switched to regular toothpaste around 2 but we use a very small amount since DD doesn't always spit.
My dad is a dentist and he says not to take them until 3 unless they have major noticeable problems. Prior to 3 they do not have all their teeth yet and are unable to fully cooperate for an exam. Also, most insurance companies will not cover treatment prior to the age of 3.
I wanted to add that I had planned to go to a pediatric dentist, but since DD had gone to so many of my appointments with me (she even got to sit on my lap while my teeth were cleaned and worked the suction thing for the hygenist) she was really comfortable with my dentist, his staff and the office. It actually seemed easier and more appropriate to take her to the dentist she already knew rather than finding a dentist just for her.
I would recommend making your appointments at your dentist at a time that is good to take your DC with you. Even if you end up using a pediatric dentist for your DC, at least s/he will have seen you getting an exam so it won't be as scary.
Re: At what age are you suppose to take your dc to the dentist?
Our pedi told us to take him at his 2 year check up and gave us a list of pedi dentists he recommended. I can't even fathom taking him right now. He freaks out with his own pedi or when someone he doesn't know gets to close I can't imagine him tolerating letting a dentist look in his mouth.
I did just switch him to floride last month. I just use a tiny amount on his toothbrush.
Liam is 5!
I took DD to my appointments when she was 12 & 18 months.. The dentist did a quick check of her mouth, just to make sure everthing looked good. I'm good about going every 6 months for a cleaning, so the dentist always did a "pro bono" check of DD's mouth.
She went back with me at 2 years old. That time it was for her own appoinment but it only lasted 10 minutes--the dentist checked her mouth with instruments this time (the mirrors). He let her ride up & down in the chair and talked to her about brushing her teeth every day. There was no charge for that visit since insurance wouldn't cover it--it was sort of like an orientation. DD had her first "real" appointment for a teeth cleening at 2.5 years.
You can switch to adult toothpaste as soon as your DC understands that s/he needs to rinse and spit, not swallow. (and does it consistantly)
I think the recommendation is to go as soon as they have teeth. However, our family dentist said as long as there are no problems, the first real appointment should be at 3. I took her in when she was 2.5 to one of my appointments so she could meet the dentist and see the place. She showed the dentist her teeth that time. At 3 she had her first cleaning.
She still won't spit her toothpaste so we still use training toothpaste.
I was told that the first visit should be around 2. DD is going May 13, and she's 21/2. We switched to regular toothpaste around 2 but we use a very small amount since DD doesn't always spit.
Oh, and DD will be going to a Pediatric dentist.
I wanted to add that I had planned to go to a pediatric dentist, but since DD had gone to so many of my appointments with me (she even got to sit on my lap while my teeth were cleaned and worked the suction thing for the hygenist) she was really comfortable with my dentist, his staff and the office. It actually seemed easier and more appropriate to take her to the dentist she already knew rather than finding a dentist just for her.
I would recommend making your appointments at your dentist at a time that is good to take your DC with you. Even if you end up using a pediatric dentist for your DC, at least s/he will have seen you getting an exam so it won't be as scary.