Hey! I did not grow up in this area, but DH did. My family moved to the edge of Fairfax (Chantilly area) right before my junior year in HS and I went to Chantilly HS. Although, I have now lived in the DC area longer than any other place I lived, so I'm almost feeling native, just not as native as DH. DH was born at Fairfax hospital spent early childhood in Annandale and then their family moved to Great Falls and he went to St. Stephens for a little bit before transferring to Langley HS.
Re: ~~~itsmexine~~~
It's a small world. When I was in high school I worked at Fair Oaks mall at Chi-Chis as a hostess. And My sister used to live in Chantilly behind the Giant of of rte 50 a while back. I've been in CO since I left for college, I love it out here but also love going back to visit.
What do you do out there?
My parents live within 2 miles of that Giant. It really is a small world!
I used to be a teacher, but after having Nicholas took a year's leave and just recently we made the decision to take another year's worth of leave. Hopefully, I can get pg with #2 and then we'll see it's too expensive for me to go back and put both in daycare and I won't have to go back at all. I have taught for 15 years and by the end was completely burned out and don't like what I see all the teachers having to do these days for so little compensation.
Teaching is a very difficult job so I could see why you'd get burnt out. But I do have to say Fairfax county has really great schools. And great schools come from great teachers.