
How long staying dry do you consider potty trained?

My Dd has been dry since Friday. She is telling me every time she has to go- even poop. How long until you would consider her pt'd. She still wears a pull up for nap and bedtime and it varies on it she wakes up dry or not. I'm not too worried about that though. It will come! She turned 3 in the beginning of April and we have been training for one year exactly. Pathetic, I know. I blame me more than her.I started her wayyyyy too early. Please tell me she is potty trained!!
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Re: How long staying dry do you consider potty trained?

  • She sounds potty trained to me.  I consider night time and nap time training something completely different. 
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  • Everyone has a different opinion. I think of Ava as potty trained now. She wears undies for nap/nightime and stays dry. So to me potty trained is when they are 10% potty trained.
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  • imagekatie277s:
    She sounds potty trained to me.  I consider night time and nap time training something completely different. 


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