I'm horrified that people are calling the hospital and whatnot. Yes, I Googled and found a prayer request (which is real, but which may or may not be the actual relative of the poster on here), but that was non-invasive.
The STORY is real, maybe just not the blog . . .
But REGARDLESS--to be calling the hospital?????? To go on a witch hunt?????? Ladies, this is absolutely NOT okay, I can't believe nobody else thinks that!
Whoever the poster is (and did any of you give her money?? If not, why the big investigation?), the FAMILY is real and the TRAGEDY is real--it is NOT OUR PLACE to be poking around!!!
I am in no way defending the OP if she is indeed scamming us, but for goodness' sake, have a little discretion and remember there is a REAL baby fighting for his life who still needs your prayers.
Ugh. I can't say anything else..
::::steps down off soapbox::::
Re: Oh no, ladies, this is REALLY not okay!
I am pretty certain that the poster isn't new to the board. I recognize her son in her sig line, and vaguely remember her changing her screen name. I can't remember what it was before, but the kid and the "Baby J is on the way" line are definitely familiar.
I think that calling the hospital is going way too far. Would YOU want that to happen if it were your child?
Just don't donate through the link. Problem solved.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Oh, COME ON Kevs! You really don't see how that's over the line??? Do you know them personally? Are you personally invested in this??
Then you have no business calling the hospital and getting involved at all.
ding ding!
I was going to post this later, but I have to agree. I cannot believe people on here actually called the hospital to see if there was a patient there. First off, you guys have WAAYYYYYYY too much time on your hands. Second, you are way too wrapped up in ummmmmm a message board. What was the point? So you can be the one who breaks the news that the story wasn't true & everyone rallies around you with their torches & goes on a flamefest/witchhunt?? Sure, there have been some crazy stories going around here lately. Everyone is skeptical. But like Lari said, just don't donate. Simple as that. There are always going to be weirdos out there on the internet. We call these people who have the time to make up stories crazy & psycho, etc....but what about those grown women who actually think there is a good reason to make a call like that? Super lame.
NEWS FLASH ... the horse is dead!
Personally, I couldn't care less if this story is true or not. Tragic, if real? Definitely. I just don't understand why people are so emotionally invested in it. Stuff like this (and worse) happens every day.
The fact of the matter is, unless you really know this family/story, it shouldn't concern you beyond, "wow, that's horrible" and then move on.
And, if you find the whole things supah suspicious...two words: DON'T DONATE.
I disagree, Goose.
What teachkinder did was morally reprehensible. I felt I had an obligation as a mother to stop her from emotionally raping grieving parents. It wasn't criminal. Yet. But it upset me. And I chose to act. Fine if others don't feel that way, but I don't think doing nothing is the only answer. And given everything I know now, I have absolutely no doubt I did the right thing.
People suspected this might have been the same deal. The difference is that their suspicions were being aired publicly, which I said last night made me uncomfortable. I checked up on tk privately and *then* outed her. Big difference, imo.
I take responsibilty for suggesting someone could call and confirm. But that call hurt no one. The family doesn't know about it. It's an unfortunate fact of life at this particular moment in history that if you put something like that out there, there might be questions about your motives and credibility.
Sulla, but to what end????? I know you are still high on your super-sleuth victory, but at what point do you just chalk it up to being an internet message board where you HAVE to take people at their word?!
As long as you keep your wallet in your pocket and your personal info to yourself, how can you get hurt??
I see your point, Sulla and agree with you that putting such information out there, specifically on a public message board, may call into question ones motives and credibility.
However, to your statement that you felt like you had a moral obligation to out TK, I just don't get it. The world is full of psychos who take advantage of people (and horrible situations) every day. You can't police and protect everyone, albeit a good jesture on your part.
People need to stop and think before they react to things like this (that grab at the heart strings). I'm not saying people should be completely cold and say, "wow, it sucks to be them," but the emotional investment shown last night is just bizarre.