Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Does your DC fight/cry when you dress them?

I was  hoping my DS would outgrow this by now but he still hates to  be changed, not only diaper changes but clothes too.  It's a struggle everyday to get him dressed in the morning and PJ's at night.

Anyone else deal with this?  Any tips?  Thanks :)

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Re: Does your DC fight/cry when you dress them?

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    Yup, sometimes. I notice it more when he is in the middle of playing with something and his diaper needs changed. He doesn't like to stop what he is doing to lie down to get the poop off. Sometimes at night if he is too tired it is a struggle to get his PJ's one. I try to distract him from what he is doing to something that i can hand him and he can take with him when I pick him up to bring him upstairs. For a while though the only thing that worked was either giving him his paci (which he only gets at nap and bedtime) or turning on the tv. It has gotten better in the last couple of months though. I also try to have everything out and ready to go before I lie him down to start the changing process.
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    Yes he does.  He especially hates having his diaper changed and I look like the biggest idiot singing and making funny faces to keep him from having a meltdown. 

    Dressing him is a little easier only because I just do it one piece at a time, following him around while he plays.  MH, on the other hand, will pin him down and get everything on. And the screaming begins.....

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    yep - and add to the list "getting her face wiped off in the morning".  she screams, cries, kicks, etc.

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    Yes, diaper changes, getting dressed, sitting in the high chair, washing face and hands, getting out of the tub.  Argh...
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    My DS never used to, but he suddenly hates the diaper changes.  If we give him a toy to keep him occupied that usually works.

    My DD doesn't mind diaper changes and has never minded getting dressed...until lately.  She suddenly doesn't want us to put shirts over her head...partly because she thinks it's a game to run away and have us chase her. 

    For both kids we've always explained what we're doing and sort of sing-song it:  "Put your right arm in...put your left arm in. Uh-oh, where's your hand?  Legs please--swoosh, and on they go!"  Now they are starting to follow direction and put their legs out to put the pants on or extend their arm to put the shirt on.

    What's even more amazing to me is that they are starting to like playing dress up.  So after we fight with them to put the diaper on and get dressed, they bring us more clothes to keep putting on them.  They are fascinated  to keep layering clothes!  It's ridiculous, but fun to watch.  They even have started putting the clothes on themselves, which is really funny because usually the get them half on and then walk around the house.

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    Yes most of the time actually. Right after a bath he's usually more calm but he never likes it. I just always try to bring a toy to distract him and it's better.
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    YES!  DD hates being changed/diapered etc.  I have been allowing her to run around in a diaper all day,if I am not going anywhere, because I had surgery on my wrist and I can't "wrestle" with her too much.  It has been going on now for a while and it is getting very ANNOYING!
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    oh ya!! all the time.  She has been doing this for months, so I don't know how much longer she will do this. 
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    Whew!  Good to know I'm not the only Mommy experiencing this.  Thxs for asking!!  :)  Oh! I've gotten to playing "Peek-a-boo" & memorizing one of his favorite books - "5 Little Ladybugs" to get me through changing times. 
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