
HELP: DD's dead fish...again....

Gracie had a Beta fish named Pumpkin who sadly, passed away about 3 weeks ago.  I got a lot of advice about just buying another fish that looked similar.  So I did.

Today, the aptly named Pumpkin II has passed on as well.  It's past the 14 day return policy (yes, that does sound awful) and I am DONE.  I think it may be our water and I just don't have the strength or money to keep buying doomed fish and treat our water to sustain life.

What do we tell her?  She's 2.  Do we say he died?  Do we play it like Finding Nemo (one of her fave movies) and tell her that he wanted to be free and swam to the ocean???


Re: HELP: DD's dead fish...again....

  • Hide the empty fish tank.  Don't bring it up -- or if she askes say she's visiting her fish friends and the tank was how she traveled..  She's 2 -- she'll forget in a week. 

    Good luck.

  • I would just put the fish bowl away and not say anything.  If she asks, tell her he went to live with his mommy and daddy or what you said about the ocean.
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  • She is DEFINITELY going to ask.  She talks to him all the time.  :(
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