
Baby B's position waking me up at night

The last few nights, I will wake up and my left side will be killing me (and I was sleeping on that side).  So I roll over to my right side and realize that my daughters head is completely sticking out of my left side.  If it's that painful for me, wouldn't it be painful for her?  I asked my dr. about it and she didn't seem concerned.  But I just keep thinking that it's hurting her.  But then again, wouldn't she move?  She's breech and I wonder if she's either trying to move so that she's head down or maybe her brother is taking up all of her room, so she's getting out of his way.

She will eventually move, after I'm on my right side for awhile, but if I lay on my left side again, it happens again.  Should I stop sleeping on my left side?  I don't want to hurt her. 

Has anyone else had this happen?

Re: Baby B's position waking me up at night

  • I'm sure she's fine.  DS was on my left and DD on my right.  He would flip out and start kicking when I would lay on "his" side.  DD on the other hand never minded.  :)
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • i used to worry about this too. baby A (was miles in utero) was on my left side, and he hated when i laid on him. but i had to, to stay on my left side (the best side to be on.) he's fine now. :P


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  • My baby A is on the left and sometimes it pains me to lay on her. She is pressing on me. So I lay on my right side a lot. That is the only way to make her happy
  • Thanks!  I don't feel so bad about laying on her.  I lay on that side, since it's the "ideal" side to lay on.  But I would hate to hurt her, especially when I know it's painful for me.  I also don't want her head to be deformed from me laying on her!!  :o)
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