
clotting disorder?

Anyone here deal with a clotting disorder either during pregnancy or otherwise?

I found out through blood testing I have thrombophilia, which is why I have had the 2 m/cs.  Apparently the type I have is treated through daily doses of heprin during pregnancy given into the abdomen.

Ugh..this does not sound fun?  I still find it odd I had two healthy kids and then sudden the clotting disorder is a problem. 

Re: clotting disorder?

  • A few years ago I developed a blood clot, which is highly unusual for someone so young.  I found out I have Prothrombin Gene Mutation. When I was pregnant I had to have shots of Lovenox, geez, or was it Heparin?  It was one of them, but it was the one that has lasts for 24 hours, and therefore only needed 1 injection per day.  As I got closer to delivery, I switched to the 2x a day injection to avoid delivery complications.

    Also, you don't need to have it injected in the abdomen, can do it in the thighs which is a little easier for people to do.

  • I am at risk for blood clots.  During my pregnancies, I didn't have to do blood thinners, just a baby asprin a day and they monitored me more closely. I did have to do injections of lovenex (sp) for the first 3 months after my c-section.  It is not fun, but you do what you have to.

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  • I had a blood clot when I was 28 (not married yet) and found out I have Factor V Leiden, which is a blood clotting mutation. It's not a huge deal day-to-day but when I was pregnant I needed to inject blood thinners daily. Up to 36 weeks I was on Lovenox once a day, then after 36 weeks had to switch to heparin 2x/day. I did it with both pregnancies. It's not fun, but you get used to it and you just deal b/c you have to. It is weird that you had 2 healthy pregnancies w/no prior m/cs and then they figured this out--well, weird but you're lucky! It seems that most blood clotting disorders are found only after there's a reason to look for one.
  • imageWBs_Bride:
    I had a blood clot when I was 28 (not married yet) and found out I have Factor V Leiden, which is a blood clotting mutation. It's not a huge deal day-to-day but when I was pregnant I needed to inject blood thinners daily. Up to 36 weeks I was on Lovenox once a day, then after 36 weeks had to switch to heparin 2x/day. I did it with both pregnancies. It's not fun, but you get used to it and you just deal b/c you have to. It is weird that you had 2 healthy pregnancies w/no prior m/cs and then they figured this out--well, weird but you're lucky! It seems that most blood clotting disorders are found only after there's a reason to look for one.

    I do feel lucky..highly lucky.  I am not sure we are going to go ahead with #3...anymore based on this information.  I mean I was lucky enough to have two totally healthy kids so far..we may be done now.

    I can't find..if there are higher risks of defects to the child or anything yet. 

  • In all of my research, there are not higher risks to the fetus.  My doctor is a high risk OB and was never concerned about this condition. 
  • I'm just a lurker here but I thought I would answer you.  I just got diagnosed with Lupus which is causing me to miscarry.  I'm on lovenox injections once a day.  I do need to take them in my stomach, not sure why though.  I take them in combination with baby asprin and fotex (RX strength folic acid).  Hopefully this will help my baby actually stick around this time!
  • I too have a clotting disorder.  We found out due to a m/c before I got pg with my DS.  When I first found out, like you, I thought it would be horrible doing daily injections.  But you really do get used to it and it is no big deal.  I did Lovenox 1x per day with DS until I was 36 weeks pg, then switched to Heprin 2x per day.  This time Lovenox made me break out in a terrible rash (weird!) and so I have been doing Heprin 2x per day the whole pg.  I hate needles and have always hated shots, but its funny how it is just a normal part of my routine now.
    And no increased risks to the baby from what I understand.  It just allows the pg to progress normally.

    Good luck!

  • I had 2 arterial blood clots in 2003 and found out that I have 4 blood disorders that cause clots. I will be on Coumadin for the rest of my life and had to do Lovenox injections with both pregnancies and then switched to Heparin x2 a day at 36 weeks.  I always found it easier doing the inj in my abdomen instead of my thigh. It was hard at first but you get used to it and it is well worth it in the end.

    It is unusual that you did have two healthy pregnancies and then had problems. Do not let this stop you from having more children if that is what you and your DH really want. It doesn't cause any harm to the fetus and your baby will be just fine!  I just went on the Lovenox inj before TTC.

    Good luck to you!

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