Ugh. I am so dumb about this sometimes. Rory's birthday is less than a month away, and I have a lot going on right now and very little energy and time to do it. I just finished hosting a baby shower this weekend, so I haven't started anything for her birthday.
I really need to get the invites made and sent out this week because her birthday is over memorial day weekend, and while I have some really cute ideas for photo invites, I just don't have the time to take the photos.
I know it's not that important, and she's not going to care what the invitation looks like. So...why do I care?
Re: Tell me it's okay to not have a photo invite...
i agree with a pp - just do a photo t-you or send out a wallet size photo of her 3 yo pics later.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I know, I know. Thanks girls. I didn't even think of the photo thank you. That is a great idea.
It's just that I LOVE doing those things, so when I don't have time, it is kind of disappointing. You know? It stinks when you have to put stuff you don't want to do over stuff you want to do.
To be honest and after seeing everything you have done in the past, I would kind of be disapointed if I got one and it wasn't a photo one. I think you set the bar way too high in the past. If you are a slacker like I am, people don't expect much.
How did the shower go? Any pic?
HA! You are so right, and I know everyone will be expecting it. We are having a much smaller party than usual this year, too because of the timing. It is the same weekend as all the graduations, so we don't have much choice since many people will be busy with that, and honestly after this shower, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do a month from now. I just can't be on my feet for 10 hours like I used to do!
The shower was great! I got some photos, but didn't have a chance to download them yet.
But I should add that there will be princess decorations and Rory will have her friends there, so nothing else really matters. She will be THRILLED, and the party is for her, not everyone else.