We have been doing great with potty training for about 5 days (no accidents,
both on the potty, public potties, etc), then things changed yesterday. DS
still wants to wear underwear and doesn't have accidents, but has flat out
refused to pee on the potty. I feel like I have exhausted all my bribes. He
complains he gets an "owie" when he needs to go. But, won't go. Has anyone
experienced a trend like this and how did you handle it? Hopefully we can just
ride it out. I welcome any tips!
Re: if you have gone through potty training
Do you think he could maybe have a UTI? If he is saying it hurts to go, I would be concerned about that, and if he continues to hold it, that won't really help the cause.
Sorry, that's all I can think of! I hope you figure it out.
thanks for the ideas...
we have tried the timer and it worked for a while. ?Maybe I should buy a special timer. ?And I did think of a uti, but he has no complaints when he wears a pull up at night/naps. ?I think the "owie" is just he needs to pee. ?Sigh. ?Thought it was all too good to be true!?