??Lately I have almost felt like a panic attack is coming on. Especially when I think about delivering both the babies. I am going to try vaginally but see what happens. I probably have about 3 nights/week where I dream about delivering them, but it always ends in c-section.
??I am afraid I won't be a good mother, lack of sleep, ect. My in-laws are also planning on flying here days after they are born and this is stressing me out. I feel like I still have so much to do, but so little time.........
Sorry, just had to vent
Melissa ?
Re: Freaking out about delivering!
I occasionally had moments of panic about delivery but honestly it all happened so fast once it did happen that I didn't even really have time to be nervous or think about it. I know it is gonna sound weird but I just sort of followed directions and it just happened... I delivered vaginally and I am so glad that I did. Easy recovery, no surgery, happy and healthy babies.
You'll do great!
Thanks you guys! ?I think it is best just to deal with one thing at a time and I will try and breathe. Lol.