Today, Ian has decided he's afraid of the sump pump. It's raining here, so the thing is going off all the time. Granted it's loud, but necessary (we can hear it pretty well in the kitchen).
Well, he could barely be consoled. It was crazy. We tried comforting, distraction, ignoring it, etc etc but nothing worked. I wonder, though, if he is still not feeling well (got dx'd with a double ear infection on Tuesday) and this is making it worse? Who knows but the poor guy is having a rough few weeks.
So WDYD with fears at this age?
Re: What do you do when your DC is afraid of something?
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Griffin is afraid of the vacuum and lately fans and the air conditioners (since we just started to use them).... also - the smoke detectors b/c they had a fire drill at school the other day during nap time and it freaked him out.
with all of these things we just talk to him about it a lot... ask him if he wants to touch them... assure him that they don't hurt, etc.
he'll touch the vacuum when it's not on - and he's OK with it. We have taken down the smoke detector so he can hold it (and hang it back up)... and explain that it keeps us safe... and that it goes "beep beep".
the fans just started this weekend when we turned them on - so we let him "feel the cool air" and he's OK with it.
with him- he dosen't cry- but he just says "what's that!?" over and over (b/c he can't say the words for those things)... it's a phase and will pass- so i give in to his 100th "what's that" in an hour- to help him to "understand" what it is and how it works, etc.