
Spicing up Baby Food?

WHo does this? What are some combos that you have tried....

1-we've already done the sweet potatoes with cinnamon and it was a big big hit...but I remember lots of people talking about this a couple weeks ago, so I thought I'd ask again (b/c I was a loser and didn't bookmark the post)! :(


Re: Spicing up Baby Food?

  • I have been spicing up the pureed stuff for a long time.  It all started when I bought a jarred dinner that I didn't realize had onion in it.  So we just counted onion as an introduction.  They loved the extra flavor of that food so much I started putting garlic powder and onion powder in some of thier dinners, and vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar (not all at once; sometimes in combos - and I counted each one as a seperate new introduction) in their yogurt, oatmeal, fruits, etc.  They LOVE it when I kick it up a notch!  Now they're on table food but they still ove spicier, more exciting tastes, and they are completely not picky.

    HTH!  : )

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