
Hey Cocker***

First off congrats!  Love the name too :)  I have seen you ask a couple of times about sleepiness and jaundice and I wanted to tell you that it does cause sleepiness!  Jett was really jaundicy (if that's a word?) and he was NEVER awake.  Seriously, never.  He was early too, but my doc said the jaundice will make them even sleepier and just to wake them to feed and all that stuff that you already know.  It was TOUGH to wake him too...cold wash rags and everything and still he would barely wake up.  So anyhow, don't worry :)  He's gorg by the way!

Re: Hey Cocker***

  • Ditto what Lucy said!

    Ian was hospitalized for jaundice, he was at extremely dangerous levels, and he slept all the time. I had to wake him to eat, and the one thing that was good about his sleepiness is that his eye goggles and the incubator he had to be in didnt bother him as much.

    It sucked!

  • Thanks ladies! That's good to know. :)
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
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