Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I'd ask for $60 but be willing to accept $45. It might retail for over $100, but the fact of the matter is you've used it and don't want it and are now selling it on your lawn, kwim? Yard-salers definitely have that mentality. If it's worth enough to you to expect more money, you wouldn't be selling it on your lawn.
Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09!
I was thinking around $35-$40 and I would be more than happy with that...so maybe I will price it at $45-$50 and just be prepared that people will more than likely haggle with me on it. I had not thought of Craigslist...maybe I will try that first...Thanks for the input and LOL - purff....you are very right! LOL
I actually just bought a Instep. How did you like yours?? I
took it out today, first part of the day it was nice, 2nd part of the
day the front wheel is wobbling!! I might of put it together
wrong- will have to have hubby chk...Pls tell me yours didnt do this...
424 - I never had any problems with mine. It worked really well - the only thing I disliked about mine was the fact that the front wheel was stationary instead of a swivel wheel. The only reason I am getting rid of it now is that I will have a toddler and a baby soon so if I am going to jog with them both I would need a double. :- )
Yeah, I'd say price it at $50 on craigslist and expect people to talk you down a little. For a yard sale, I'd start the pricing lower. . . those people are looking for bargain-basement deals.
Re: Jogging Stroller - yard sale pricing?
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45