
Seriously...MOD walk...

Our MOD walk was today....and you'd have thought that the people there had NEVER seen twins was actually a little odd. 

That was a great showing and I know they raised a TON of money. Next year we are going to have an official team...we've officially decided to make this our family charity.

Re: Seriously...MOD walk...

  • Did you have a good time?

    I haven't seen any news coverage about it. Stupid football draft is the big talk.


  • TriciaJoy-

    We did have a good time, despite being the entertainment for so many people. It was however pretty bittersweet....remember the lady here who was killed with her unborn twins a couple months ago? Her husband was there talking and they had a HUGE team...once I figured that out, I cried. I felt so bad for him when it happened and couldn't even imagine some thing like that reminded me more than anything how fragile life is. :(

    WE saw a ton of our old nurses which was super cool!

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