How do you get on this? How has it worked for you? I am?desperate. I have been breastfeeding/pumping for the past 6 weeks and now I don't think I can keep up. I have recently been giving them 2.5 ounces of breastmilk and then an ounce of formula. I just don't know what I'll do when they start eating more.?
Re: Domperidone Users
before you try domperidone you should talk to a LC...they can give you other suggestions and things to try first
if that doesnt work then go to domperidone 30mg 3 times a day
I have been taking it, and ordered from this site.
I started out taking 3 pills, 3 times per day, now I take 6. It has worked WONDERS with zero side effects. PM me if you have any other questions!
I agree with the others..there are lots of things you can do first before the Domperidone. For instance, do you nurse or just pump? If you can nurse, do so. They will help you make more milk, so as they need more, your body will make more. I swear, every day I thought I wasn't going to make it without giving them formula, but I did, completely formula free, until 12 weeks.
Have you tried the fenugreek/blessed thistle supplements? Those are easy to come by and really helped me a lot. So did drinking a dark beer each night.
Having said all that, the domperidone seems to have helped me as well. I went from pumping 2-4 oz at a time to 4-7. But I don't think I could have pumped that much when mine were the same age as yours.