What the fruck is up with screaming fits?
DS: "Want lunch! Want lunch! WANT LUNCH"
me: "Lunch is on your table, sweetie."
*runs away like a lunatic* (DS not me, though I sometimes want to)
Everything is contrary. If he asks for a cookie and I give him a cookie, he no longer wants it. And forget asking him to come inside or take his shoes off or, better yet, take a bath and go to sleep. MH says he feels like he's been just screamed at for the past 2 days.
Do we need to discipline him more? Less? Get a bigger dog crate?
Re: Additional parenting advice needed, please
Sounds like the fights we have in our house. I'm hoping this phase ends soon or I'm moving out.
I try to ignore it as much as possible. I figure she is looking for a rise out of me so I won't give it to her. She throws her fit and I walk away. She finds us later and says "I sorry, I feel better now" and then does what we ask her to do.
LMAO! I'm sorry :-)
Sometimes Preston doesn't know what he wants either, but if I tell him I'm putting it away then, he will take it. Also, his drink has to be on the TABLE!..lol.
Audrey does the same thing and I really think she's going to drive me crazy before she's 5. I just put whatever it is down and walk away. I figure if she wants it bad enough, she will get it.
I get really pissed when she is playing with something and then throws it and then tells me to get it for her. Umm now way, little girl
welcome to toddleteen-hood!
I put Michelle in a timeout when starts screaming for no reason because she's beeing contrary.
lol. Preston has done this too, but I refuse to get it. He's got some nerve.
ummm yeah Michelle does this too...the little diva!
we are going thru the same thing in my house. ds thinks that everything is "his". he is into screaming his head off and is starting to really throw tantrums--even in timeout. we have resorted to ignoring him, or telling him to take a deep breathe (he does), and then count to 10 (he does). then i ask him if he is calm, and he usually says yes. at this point, he either acts normal or starts back up again. if he does, i walk away to avoid child abuse...j/k. i just think its the age of the terrible 2's. i hear 3's are worse. if you find a solution--let me in on it. good luck!
*brendan 10/20/06
*connor 3/19/08
Um...do you have my youngest son?! Seriously! Yesterday he threw a fit because he wanted me to put his arms in his shirt BEFORE his head. Love it, clothing battles before the age of 2....
No words of advice...just sympathy.
Well per my sig I vote for the larger crate...and make sure it can fit 2 comfortably.
And as an aside I don't know if you've seen a pic of me, and I hope this doesn't sound weird or offensive, but I feel like you and I look a lot alike.
DD Charlotte - 10/2011
"That's not the way to ask. What is your question? Nicely? Do you need to go calm down in your room?"
That is what works best here but NOT what usually happens. But when I'm on form it works great.
Then the usual things like sleep.. food. C is a mess without those. He needs to snack a LOT. He's very thin and active and just burns calories like crazy.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Stay consistent.
Don't sweat the small things, concentrate on the things that are really crucial for him to do. Eat, sleep, bathe and give him lots of options about everything else.
Matthew James 1/11/07
This, and LOL at the way Cubby described it. Sam is getting better, but sadly for me, Nick is just starting to enter that crazy phase. I just keep telling myself, "it will be over soon". I also drink a lot of wine. . .
This, and LOL at the way Cubby described it. Sam is getting better, but sadly for me, Nick is just starting to enter that crazy phase. I just keep telling myself, "it will be over soon". I also drink a lot of wine. . .
Winery, i could have written this post! In our house "angry baby" rears her crazy head when she is hungry, or is tired out or is overstimulated. I respond to it with "you seem flustered" or something along those lines. It seems to calm her down when I respond to her feelings. C gets upset when she can't express how she is feeling.
I went to a workshop on disipline by Dr. rebecca bailey. She has written several books. She uses this theory w/ much success.