C's GI specialist wants to put her on it for her reflux but I remember skimming through some alarming info on it here... unfortunately I haven't met or spoken with the specialist directly (just got a message through our pedi), but she wants to start C on it before she sees her since the wait list is long.
I will do my research of course but TIA for any info!
Re: Can someone discuss Reglan with me?
Max was on it until just recently... I mentioned my concerns to his pedi about the stuff I'd read about long-term use, and he said that those side effects have only been in elderly patients, not in children at all, but we decided to take him off it anyway and try something a little less agressive.
It worked really well for a long time for us though... no bed side effects or anything!
Drake has been on it since we started feeding him 5ml an hour when he was 2 months old! The only time we saw any side effects was when the GI doc told us to go up .2ml. He got a little restless so we backed off by .1ml and he was fine. Some people are pretty sensitive with it.
I was given some in the hospital last year and I felt like I was going to involuntarily jump off the bed! It passed very quickly but that was definitely a reaction!
DS has been on Reglan since the NICU. We are now in the process of weening him off it b/c the pharmacist recommended that we do it soon since he had been on it for 4 months. We haven't seen any side effects, but don't really want him on meds that are part of the same class of drugs as scitzophrenia (sp) meds.
But DS clearly still has reflux, so we have been thickening his formula with rice cereal to help keep it down. It seems to be working fine and he certainly isn't spitting up anymore than he did when he was still on the Reglan. He is also on Prevacid still.