Even though SO still doesn't like either, I'm trying to get him to come around on one of these 2 girls names. Do you like either or which do you prefer?
Adalynn (Add-A-Lynn) Mary M.
Emilynn (Em-A-Lynn) Jane M.
Open to suggestions for MNs too! Thanks ladies...
Well, Adalynn came from really liking the name Madalynn but not wanting it to be to sing-songy with the last name, which starts with a M also. I don't remember where I heard Emilynn before...
I like Adalynn better, but what about Emmeline (I think pronounced Emma-leen but could be pronounced Emma-lynn, not sure). It's less thought of to be "made up" and still close to the names you suggested.
Have you looked into other -line (Evangeline, to name another) ending names?
ETA: Sorry, you asked for MNs, not FN suggestions. Are you leaning more towards one syllable MNs?
The only other (Lynn-Linesque) name I've really thought about was Gwendolyn Mary.
I agree?
Adalynn is cute, but remember the huge amount of young girls already named Adalynn, Adeline, Addison, and Madeline (and its 10,000 spellings). At this point, it really is not a unique name...at all. Your spelling is just different.
I like the name Emalynn, or Emmalynn, or even Emmaline, but the spelling of Emilynn looks like a horrible misspelling, or drunk typing of Emily + nn.
I don't know what Addison has to do with Adalynn. I do like Adelaide as well but I think I'm stuck on the Lynn-Line ending.
Hahaha...nice drunk typing reference.
Gwendolyn is on the list that SO and I agree on. The other 2 aren't but I'm trying to sway him to put in more consideration. I don't really care for Paige that much but Claire is cute. Mary comes from my late Grandma and was hoping to be able to use it if I found it fitting with the first name we decide on. It's just been pretty hard to fit it with everything I do like.
What about Marylynn (or Marilyn)? Then it ties in Mary with the ending that you like? Marilyn Claire.
I like you! I never even thought about Marilyn/Marylynn! And Claire accents it quite nicely! I'll have to bring it up to SO tonight!
DOH! What does last name rhyme with?
Noses. Ha.
Any chance you can change your last name?
Well for sure run it by DH so maybe we can add Marilyn to the approved list. Were you thinking the name was too alliterative? Is that why you thought it was too singsong?
Tanya Tucker, Marilyn Monroe...I can't think of any more, but I don't think these sound too singsong.
Haha...sometimes I wish because it would make this process easier!
Too alliterative and everytime I've paired an "M" name with the last name it reminds me of a nursery rhyme character.
Adalynn, definitely.
Emilynn trips over the tongue in a weird way.
I really like Gwendolyn Mary!
Maybe I'm the odd one I think that one is great as it is, and Gwendolyn is so pretty. it's uncommon but still one people know it/can pronounce it.
Yay because as of about 15 minutes ago, it's the name we decided on!