Hi. I had a quick dairy-free question for you. You just started being dairy free for Emi from the beginning, right? Did your pedi tell you to do that because Gina had a dairy issue? Or did you just decide to do it? Have you challenged Emi yet to see if she can tolerate you eating dairy?
I'm asking because Kate had a dairy intolerance (discovered at 7 wks) and I am wondering if Ben also does. He's not shown the classic signs that Kate did (green mucousy poop with blood streaks) but he does have the occasional green poop and often seems uncomfortable. Sometimes I think it is after I have a glass of milk, and sometimes I think I am just obssessing about it because of Kate's issues....
Anyway, curious what your experience has been and what your pedi said if you have time to respond. Thanks!
Re: ***REOM***
:butting in:
My kids had/have green poops and gas if I eat too much chocolate. One other thing to consider!
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Hey there
I decided that I was going to go dairy free for 2weeks before my due date with Emi, just to circumvent any problems. Well, she was born 3 weeks early, ha ha. She didn't have any issues at first, so I kept eating dairy, and thought she was different. At one month, the screaming, non sleeping, mucousy diapers started, so I cut dairy. Since then, she has been much better.
I asked Gina's GI doctor about it when I was pregnant, and she said that having a sibling isn't an indicator of a possible problem, but having a parent is. I definitely have issues with dairy that I have pretty much ignored for most of my life. I feel a lot healthier now. I never have indigestion or stomach aches and just feel better overall.
I stuck to it very carefully while EBF, watching all labels for milk based foods, etc. Now that she is on solids also, I occasionally eat goat cheese, or very small amounts of dairy containing foods, but never milk/cheese/ice cream directly. I couldn't survive without my CoffeMate, which has trace amounts of sodium caseinate, which never seemed to bother her.
Do you think you have oversupply? I know that too much foremilk causes green poop as well. And it also causes the babies to cry b/c they are hungry, not getting the 'fatter' part of the milk.
Maybe give it a try for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. Funny, when I was pg with Emi, I thought it was going to be the end of the world, but it really hasn't been as hard as I thought it would.
I have found lots of good subsitutes and know which foods to look out for if you have any questions. We buy soy milk by the case at Costco! Haha
Good luck! Your sig pic is great