I think the responses and support shown for Cooker today is absolutely amazing and inspiring. I am encouraged by how many truly compassionate people there are on this board.
That being said (and it might just be me), I am getting a little skeeved out by the "sorry" posts for my dear Cooker.
Let's not feel sorry for Cooker. You know why? Because she's not sorry. She has a beautiful, healthy baby, which is the big blessing a mother can receive. I know, for a fact, that she is extremely delighted to have little Miles here, who is bound to bring her as much joy as Nora has.
That, my friends, is something we should be celebrating!
Re: Ok, I have to say this...
definitely agreed!
I agree with you goose! ?I do think that people say "sorry" b/c they are at a loss for what to say in an attempt to be supportive.
that being said---now IS about celebrating Miles and the wonderful person he is and will be!
You're right!
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
That is why I chose to say nothing at all --- other than I'm here if you need me.
It's so hard to know what to say. I am sorry for Cooker --- I'm sorry that things did not go as expected. Even if that turns out to be the very best thing to every happen in her life --- I'm still sorry.
And I'm still happy for her. She has a gorgeous baby boy (who actually reminds me of Joey when he was born). So I want to congratulate her.
Honestly, I don't fault anyone for anything they have said. Even if it's the "wrong" thing to say -- I think everyone has had good intentions and wants the best for her!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, thank you for saying what I have been thinking. My SIL's best friend had a downs baby (after years of never being able to get pregnant) and my entire in law family cried hysterically when they found out. I was pg at the time and told my DH, "So help me god, if this baby turns out to be downs and some idiot in yoru family cries and tells me they are sorry, I will smack them. This baby is going to be cherished regardless, so no one better apologize to me as if I want this baby any less"
From my experience with a few Downs people, they are not aware of their limitations, only we are. They tend to be some of the happiest, sweetest people I have ever met. The issues arise when we project our expectations on this special little babies and get upset when they cant meet them. Love hem for all that they are, and never mind worry about what they are not.