For daycare, my kids go to a friend/acquaintance of mine who has a DD of her own. She asked if we could leave her our double stroller so they could take walks. I'm all for them getting out of the house and I'm glad she's brave enough to take all three, but I don't know if I'm comfortable leaving my stroller. It's a Phil & Ted's and it cost a pretty penny -- we don't normally drop that kind of change on stuff, especially baby gear.
I left it one day last week and H picked up the kids and got the stroller. When I put it in my car, I noticed a big scrape on part of it. I know it's a stroller and my kids are going to stain it/scrape it, but I guess *I* just want to be the one to do it. I'm pretty sure it was H who folded it up and scraped it on the concrete and I'm not mad at the DCP or blaming her or just confirmed that I don't really want to leave her that stroller.
I've been looking on craigslist for a used double, but they're all trashed-looking or IMO over-priced.
Am I overreacting? Should I just leave the stroller and trust that she's being careful with it the two days she has it (I'm sure she is...I just don't want to freak out if the stroller gets damaged/stained while in her possession). Or should I spring for a second double I can just leave there?
Re: WWYD in this situation?
Hmmm, how is she pushing 3 kids with a double?
I am like you, I wouldn't want my nice things to get ruined by someone else. I think the Sit and Stand was a good idea. Have you looked for those on craigslist?