Feeding the lo and how much to feed the lo??It seems like everyday we are fighting about it....my lo will be 8 months old in less then 2 weeks and he isn't even 15 pounds...He has lost 2 oz in 2 weeks.and last night dh told me not to feed him again b/c he had enough and he had only had 19 oz. Don't worry I fed him again.....He doesn't get it.....Please tell me I'm right.....
Re: how often do you and DH fight about....
I agree with feeding as much as your little one will eat if weight gain is an issue. I keep track of how much DD eats still, and make sure she has at least 24 ounces a day. That number is less than she is "supposed" to eat, but she gains weight regularly.
Oh, to answer your question, we don't fight about it?
Luckily DH and I are on the same page. DS is 9 months (5.5 corrected) and he eats as much as he wants as often as he wants. It is generally 8 oz. 4-5x a day. LO would not want to eat if they weren't hungry.
I'm sorry your DH fights you on this constantly. Maybe you can talk to your pedi about the feeding issue and they can write a note you can bring home to DH to show what they recommend.
Good luck!!