I'm so excited! I only have a VERY old triple stroller that takes every muscle in my body to push and turn. I know that it won't fit in door ways and stuff, but it will work perfectly for our walks!
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Can I ask what kind that is? My plan is to start running again once this baby gets here so I will need to trade my double jogger for a triple. That one looks nice, esp. with the basket below. Do the front wheels lock? Congrats on your purchase!
nbjenni is going to be so excited, strollers are her thing.
It's a BeBe Love USA triple jogging stroller
i couldn't see the picture, but now i see the link. awesome! triple joggers are SO easy to push compared to the in-line ones. yay!
be sure to write a review for me and jenni's book. :P
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
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