

Hey...I can not believe you are still pregnant.  It sounds like you are feeling ok though.  My OB kinda confused me when she started talking about inducing me.  I am not sure if it is a for sure thing.  I think she wants me to be at 4 cm first.  My uterus is postirer (sp?) and I guess that is why she thinks I haven't gone into labor yet.  I am 3 cm and 75% effaced though as of last  Tuesday. 

I am not sure if she'll only do it if I get to 4 or not.  She did want me to make my appt for 8:30 Monday morning, so there would be time to make arrangements if I am induced.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Re: Jorie

  • I'll cross my fingers for you too!  Maybe we could have birthday twins:)

    I'm apparently posterior too, whatever that means.  I was at 2.5 cm after stripping membranes, but still only about 50% effaced.  In any case, I'll have a Monday baby for sure!  If I don't go today or tomorrow, I'm actually hoping to make it to Monday so my dr can deliver me.  She's not on call this weekend:( 

  • As my OB explained it, that is the one thing standing in my way from delivering now.  I guess your cervix has to come forward.  That is also why my internals hurt like a mother.  I feel like she is digging for gold in there.  OUCH.  I am keeping my fingers crossed I'll be 4 cm by Monday.  I just want to meet my baby and be comfortable again.
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