He's been here since Saturday to "help." And here's my list of grievances - feel free to read or not but I need to type this out b/c Iit's not really worth hashing out w/ my dh but it's driving me nuts.
- He falls asleep all the time so I can't really let him watch the boys while I do housework. Once I came down and luke was standing on the ottoman (how he got there ?) but FIL sleeping on the couch!!!
- He's hard of hearing and doesn't like to hear the clatter of the boys when he's on his computer so he takes out is aids. BUT, then he doesn't put them back in - yesterday we watched FOX News SUPER LOUD AND I COULDN"T TYPE THAT ANY BIGGER!!! (btw, I hate 24hr news channels)
- He says things like this to my sons "you're just looking for attention." Ummm, no he pinched his finger in the drawer and he's communicating to me that it didn't feel good.
- And finally, he's the most negative person I've ever met. While watching said Fox News, he probably made the comment , "that's/they're so STUPID" 20 times. How can you care that much about some Congresswoman who got caught on wiretap?
- OH wait! He has opened a new box of Cheerios and a loaf of bread even though there was already one open. That's a little thing that really pi$$es me off.
I LOVE my MIL who arrives tonight. FIL has always bugged me but all this time alone w/ him has me wondering how my dh came out of that house w/ such a great disposition.
On a good note. He's on a walk w/ the boys and aside from banging this out, I'm doing laundry and baking a cake.
Re: My turn - venting about FIL
do we have the same FIL....seriously!?
wow....and I FEEL YOUR PAIN.