the sex of the baby tell me your delivery room moment. My big u/s is tomorrow and we are probably not going to find out the sex. I want to hear about the moment you found out boy or girl during delivery. Thinking about the excitement and special announcement is what is keeping me motivated.
Re: If you waited to find out..
In my circle of friends and relatives, there isn't anyone who didn't know the sex of the baby before it was born.
My Mom did not know I was a girl until I was born and she once told me that finding out at delivery was pretty much the same as finding out at an u/s. Just less planning time, but the excitement was the same
DS was a surprise. Everyone was convinced (including me) that it was going to be a girl. WHen they said "its a boy" we did a double take. It was exciting, amazing, and so much fun to call everyone and tell them what we had.
This time around we found out and to me, its just as exciting so far. We have been able to plan, shop, etc and are getting really excited to see what she looks like.
I loved not knowing the first time around though, and i would never change that. But it is nice to know for the second one.
We didn't find out b/c DH didn't want to. I was fine with it.
I actually was SO convinced I was having a boy, that it didn't matter to me. As soon as the baby was born, I was just so overwhelmed that I forgot to ask or look.
Here's how the announcement went:
Doctor: "It's a girl!"
Me: WHAT?!?
The announcement was worth the wait for me both times. We haven't found out this time either and I can't wait to have that moment again. The first time it was a total shock b/c I was thinking boy all along. The second time I thought boy too, so I was again surprised! After I had DD#2, MH went out to the waiting room where my parents, IL's and DD#1 were waiting. He went right up to DD1 and said, "Lydia do you want to meet your baby sister?" and everyone was so surprised. MH said he didn't plan on "announcing" it that way but that was his first instinct when he went into the waiting room. I wish I could have seen it b/c it sounded like an awesome moment:)