
update on twins born yesterday

Things are still going well, we are cautiously optimistic right now. The babies are very stable and both on room air with a nasal canula, both had bowel movements today and chloe actually got a little formula! Carter weighs 3 lb 12 oz, and chloe is my little peanut at 3 lb 2 oz. In the next few days they'll move them to an isolette together for twin snuggles :) our NICU staff seems great, especially the daily nurses. I go home tomorrow though and am already stressed... I cant imagine how hard this day-by-day thing is going to be :(

Re: update on twins born yesterday

  • so glad they're doing well! DS was born at 32w6d, so close to your little ones! he basically spent his 26 days in the NICU learning to eat.

    the day to day is no fun. relax and try to enjoy your time with them. i would spend my time with DS worrying about what else i had to get done until i finally stopped and realized that i had nothing more important that cuddling my little guy. and our favorite NICU nurse said it best - very soon after you leave the NICU it all seems like a bad dream.  and it's so true. we left the NICU only 4 months ago and it seems like it was years ago.

    good luck and keep us updated! congrats on the babies!!


  • thanks for the update. ?the day i went home from the hospital was a really hard day for me. ?it felt so unnatural to be leaving my babies behind. ?i know it's much easier for me to say, than for you to do, but take it one day at a time...soon enough they'll be home with you. ?
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  • It sounds like your babies are off to a great start!  The daily trips to the NICU do take a toll on you, but just remember that every moment you spend with them makes them stronger.  Plus they have each other!

  • That is great news! Going home will be very hard, but try to stay as positive as you can, if you can. Concentrate on healing and resting when you're at home, and call the NICU as often as you want to! We have all traveled this hard road, and you will get through it =)

  • ammcammc member
    take each day one at a time.  and be sure to take care of yourself, especially if you are pumping/BF.  I lost so much weight going back and forth and I was so dehydrated at one point that I couldn't make it to the hospital.  I always remember saying that our blessing in disguise was having the NICU where we learned so much about caring for our baby.  Take advantage of the time you are there and ask as many questions as you want.  GL
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