At what point did you DC become more efficient at nursing. DD is almost 7 weeks and she is suddenly a lot quicker than she was. But it seems too soon, so I'm concerned she is not getting enough. Yesterday and today for most feedings she has been pulling off each breast in under 10 minutes. In the beginning it was 20 - 30 minutes per side. I don't think DS was this efficient by 7 weeks. Is this possible, or is something else going on? Any thoughts?
Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06)
Re: BFing question
DD got efficient around then. She never took a LONG time, but was definitely around the 10 min mark at 6-7 weeks. Now she can suck down a boob in about 5 minutes flat, if she's really hungry.
If she's popping off by herself, she's had plenty.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
both my kids never needed to nurse long. At around a month I would say both were eating in less than 10 minutes. They were both very chubby babies so obviously, they were getting enough in those 10 minutes!
DS had it downpat by the time MIL went home around 2 weeks. Seriously. Still hurt like crazy but he was getting a ton pretty fast.
DS only ever had 2 reactions to BFing.
The "they never feed me ever, I'm STARVING" look.
And the "oh God I'm never eating again EVER" look.