I was just watching Mystery ?Diagnosis on TLC and they featured a baby that reminded me of your little Alex and his digestive problems. ?The baby began projectile vomiting at just a few days old and had extreme bouts of diarrhea. ?They spent 10 months moving their baby from hospital to hospital, trying desperately to find a diagnosis. ?Finally, they found a doctor out in Oklahoma who solved their medical mystery. ?The baby had something called Mastocytosis. ?It is an extremely rare disease affecting less than 200,000 people in the U.S. ?My understanding of it is that the person affected has too many mast cells in their body and the cells go haywire when certain foods are introduced. ?It is like a food allergy, but people with Mastocytosis do not test positive for any food allergies. ?You will only know if Mastocytosis is what you have if you are tested specifically for it. ?It is so rare that most Drs do not test for it. ?The little boy on the TV show is now 4 years old and thriving beautifully. ?He takes medication and eats a strict diet.
Don't know if this will be of interest to you or not. ?I just thought I would pass it on in the hopes that it would help!
Re: **RavensGrl**
(not laughing at you promise)
Alex has been tested and does not have this. Thank God
Everyone I know must have watched this because I got 17 emails about it today and the last time it aired I had 23 lol. It is because of this that we had him tested for it in the first place
Ok, good! ?Glad we've got that covered. ?LOL.
When I started this post with "I was watching Mystery Diagnosis today..." my first thought was...This girl doesn't know me....she's going to think I'm nuts. ?
Glad I'm not the only nut you know! ?Sounds like you're surrounded by us.
portrait innovations they were great very inexpensive and printed on the spot with pics on cd
my mom has wanted that darn bath tub picture since he was newborn so i surprised her with them...and i love them too
and as for nuts...we are all nuts just different kinds lol our babies are peanuts and well I like to think of myself as a walnut lol