
Must everyone lecture me on the obvious?!

I'm cranky.  First of all, FIL married DH's mom when DH and his siblings were teenagers, and has never raised a baby/toddler before...and yet he has taken to giving me very condescending lectures about a) why we shouldn't cosleep with Elliana, b) why we should have already moved Keira to a big-girl bed, and c) that "dogs need attention and exercise if you want them to behave" (that one's obviously not parenting related, but yeah, DUH.  We're a little busy these days, but I'm trying!)

I know he means well and doesn't realize he sounds like he's talking to a 2-year-old--it's just his way and he does it to everyone--but it's seriously getting on my nerves.

Which made it really bad timing for kittycar (sorry for the callout, lady, but I know you can take it) to give me a "BF'ing is a big commitment/this is what you signed up for" mini-lecture in response to my post about whether I can let DH take over one feeding, one night, without affecting my milk supply.

Anyone else want to give me a lecture on something completely obvious?  "Drugs are bad" is still up for grabs...Stick out tongue

Re: Must everyone lecture me on the obvious?!

  • LOL-- don't smoke around the kids.
  • Hugs!  I have nothing to say other then how cute is Elliana?!?!?!
    Liam is 5!
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  • My fil told me I was wiping dd's vagina wrong (I was already weirded out that he walked in to the changing room when she was a few days old).  I asked him how many vagina's he's wiped?  Seeing that he only had boys, it shut him up.

     Ask your FIL how many infants he's cared for and what parenting mags he reads.

  • I'm sorry! Sad

    At least you have two really cute kids! Smile

  • AW ((HUGS)) I am sorry everyone is choosing now to tell you how to parent. FWIW if there is anyone who understands how big of a commitment BFing is it is you, this is obvious with what you went through with K. I say them all, you are a great Mom, just ignore them.
  • Ugh.  I'm sorry.  And, yes, BFing SUCKS in the beginning.  It is not easy, and I will never believe anyone who says it is easier than FF.  Yes, you signed up for it, but that doesn't negate your right to *** or look for a way to get a tiny break.

     Can you send the dog to doggie daycare or out with a dogwalker for a day/a few times a week?  That really helps our dog (and me!).

  • Drinks Ugh.  DH just gave me that kind of lecture and I actually hung up on him.  Now I have to call him back and apologize for acting like a sullen teen.  So, my lecture to you is to "rise above it" or you'll feel assy like I do.  :)
  • Stop posting pictures of those cute little girls b/c it makes my uterus itch!!!!!!! Angry
    Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
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  • imageoparcm:

    My fil told me I was wiping dd's vagina wrong (I was already weirded out that he walked in to the changing room when she was a few days old).  I asked him how many vagina's he's wiped?  Seeing that he only had boys, it shut him up.

     Ask your FIL how many infants he's cared for and what parenting mags he reads.

    hahahhaa!!! I love it!

  • I'm sorry!  Getting lectures from everyone when you're doing your best to adjust to life with two kids on limited sleep is annoying at the very least!   Try to ignore them.  You're a great mom and doing your best for your girls (and dog!).

    And Elliana is just beautiful!  I saw when I was catching up on old posts that she may have hypothyroidism.  Did you get a definitive answer to that yet?

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • Maybe you should nap while the baby is napping and then you'll feel better.



  • Hey there,

    I just got on, and wanted to send big ((((hugs)))) your way.  Also I didn't see your earlier post but I thought I'd let you know that with my DS I had DH do one feeding a day for months.  I didn't start until later (about 4 months) but is worked great for us.  I had a lactation consultant all over my a$$ that it would be the slippery slope towards FF, but we continued with just that one bottle a day and BF the rest of the time until he weaned himself at 10 months.  My supply adjusted itself.

    Good luck!

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • I really hate when people do that.  I'll try to share my experiences if I am asked but I try not to say my way is the only way, you know?

    And because you said it was still up for grabs


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  • I'll be the punching bag sweetie pumpkin!!  

    It wasn't meant to be a lecture of any sort but you were whining and I gave you a big girl answer.  But I've been there too and would expect the same.   But, whining rightfully so - you just had a baby, you have another wee one, and an annoying FIL, you're wipedthefuckout. 

    I still love you though....

  • It's dangerous to try to drive and BF your baby at the same time, so please put your kids in car seats. Is that obvious enough?


    :( Sorry everyone is on your ass.

    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • LOL, you guys.  And thanks for the compliments!

    Yodajo, we should find out tomorrow.  Thanks for asking--I'll let you know when we hear back from the pedi!

  • lol. No, because my BFing answer would have been to FF. Supa flamable. No need to be captain obvious for me.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
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