Hi there! I know you already had your MOD walk and I wanted to ask you. Do you think we should go before it starts? Our registration is at 8 and the walk starts at 9. I was planning to get there between 9 and 9:30 to avoid the "rush"... But my friend who did it last year is all disappointed that we'll be missing the start and think we need to go at 8?
What will will miss?
Re: **Mrs. Destructo**
Well.... my mom and sister are chronically late. Our walk started at 8 and registration was at 7. We got there at 7:30 to register, then we had to stand around and wait for my mom and sister to arrive. There were a ton of booths, live music, and some little contests going on before the walk - but I didn't investigate any of it because I was expecting my mom & sister to arrive any minute. We didn't start walking until about 10 minutes after the walk started, because those 2 ninnies had to hit up the free doughnut booth before the walk.
When the walk started we could hear all kinds of cheering, and I'm bummed that we missed all of that. But at the same time, I'm not sure that we missed a whole heck of a lot of anything, because we walked FAST through the route (cuz my mom wanted to win the race), and we ended up catching up with the bulk of people.
The walk pretty much ended where it started, so we could still investigate all of the booths and stuff afterwards. I think you probably wouldn't miss too much if you went later, but I also feel kinda gipped that I missed so much because of my crazy mom & sister.
I actually called my local office and they told me that I would miss a bag piper, a dove release, and "the band" whatever that means
I'm sorry I brought up your irritation again! My Dad is chronically late, so I can understand that situation. My friend also feels like she missed out on the starting festivities, but I think maybe because I participate in several of these each year (part of my job) it's not as important to me. I like the party at the end much more!